3D Flower Wall Art For The Nursery

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3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!

 I am this close to finally finishing the nursery! My little one is over a year now, so it's been a long time coming. I've been working on the nursery since September of last year and well, it's just kind of taken the back burner as far as projects were concerned. I had half of the room done in September, but the other half has just been used as a little storage area from the leftover stuff that was in the room before. So, to say the least, it's a breath of fresh air coming in here now :)

For the room, I painted the walls white and did a lot of browns as accent pieces. It was perfect for my aesthetic, but definitely needed a little something more. So, I decided to take one of the empty corners and add a tree of 3D flowers. It adds the perfect touch of pink into the space!

The first step was to cut all the flowers in three different sizes. I used my Silhouette to cut these. I think I cut about 70-80 flowers in each size. Took a little time :)
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 Next was to make them 3D. I took a stack of them, and using a paintbrush, I rolled the edges around it.
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!

3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 I then took one of each size and glued them together. You'll notice in the finish product, I actually alternated the pinks in each flower. That gave it more dimension.
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 I also played around with the idea of adding a doily. I loved the look, but ultimately decided not to do it this way.
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 Once I glued them all together, I was trying to figure out the best way to mount them to the wall. I didn't want to use tacks. I didn't think tape would work that well. Then I remembered this stuff I used to hang my posters when I was young...Ricky Martin and Jonathan Taylor Thomas posters to be exact :) lol Sticky tack! This stuff is amazing. I can't believe I forgot about it until now. It's just like gum, but sticks to the wall without drying out. If you want to take it off, you just rub it off the wall. Easy.
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 So, I started with positioning the flowers down the corner in a line. One on each side.
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 Then I decided to just do a couple of single ones first. Doing this gave me a few more flowers to work with towards the top ;)
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 And then I did the top line along the ceiling and filled in the rest.
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 Here's how it looks from the side view. You can get a glimpse of the rest of the room too. I'll have to share that with you all soon!
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 Here's the view as you walk into the room. I love this view so much!
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 Here's a close up of all the flowers together. In some of the empty spots, I added a smaller flower to fill it in.
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!
 You may recognize this dresser. It's from my room. I'm sad to see it go, but it works better than the other dresser we have. The other one is way too tall and my fear of toppling over on her was fierce. So, I decided to keep that one in our room and give her the longer, shorter one...still secured to the wall of course :) Our other girl had a friend's dresser fall on her; it was so scary. So yeah, everything in our house is secured to the wall. This dresser though may still get changed out for the final reveal. It's a little big for the room; I might have to switch it out with the dresser in our other little one's room.

As for this corner, I think I'm going to add the drop cloth tent I made. I think it will look so cute in here!
3D Flower Wall Art cute idea for a nursery!